Troy Strayer » Troy Strayer's Bio

Troy Strayer's Bio

About Mr. Strayer

Mr. Troy Strayer has been teaching at the Red Lion Area Junior High School since 1996. He has taught 7th grade Ancient Cultures as well as 8th grade American History. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he is also the Social Studies Department Lead for the junior high school with responsibilities ranging from curriculum revision to preparing annual budget. Mr. Strayer also serves as the staff development trainer for the Red Lion School District.


Mr. Strayer obtained his Bachelor's degree from York College in Secondary Education, Social Studies. He then obtained his Master's degree from Wilkes University. From there, Mr. Strayer continued his professional education by taking various graduate classes tailored toward maximizing student learning and potential.


Mr. Strayer has also authored two books on Differentiating Instruction through Scholastic Inc. He is also a professional development partner for Learning-Focused Schools, traveling around the country presenting various topics to districts pertaining to the Learning-Focused Framework.